Tooth Extractions – Weatherford, TX

Say Goodbye to Your Troublesome Tooth

While we do everything that we can to keep your smile radiant and your oral health in top condition, sometimes teeth need to be extracted to protect you from future issues. In the event a tooth does need to be extracted, (and that is far from our first option when providing treatment) you can rest assured knowing that you’ll be served by a team you can trust. While we offer sedation services, we’re sure that having your care performed by people you’ve gotten to know will make the experience all the more comfortable. If you think it may be time to say goodbye to your troublesome tooth, call Beacon Dentistry of Weatherford today to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Beacon Dentistry of Weatherford for Tooth Extractions?

  • In-House Implant Placement Available
  • Treatment Performed by Expert – Dr. Johannsen
  • Cone Beam Scanner Technology In-House

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Woman receiving tooth extraction

We avoid extracting teeth unless it’s absolutely needed. However, they may be performed in the following instances:

  • A tooth is severely damaged beyond repair
  • Gum disease has damaged supporting bone tissue
  • Your mouth needs room for orthodontic treatment
  • A baby tooth won’t fall out
  • Room is needed to place a denture
  • To replace a weak tooth with a dental implant


Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and prepared. No matter what the reason for your extraction may be, we’ll do everything possible to create a relaxing environment.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Dentist performing tooth extraction in Weatherford

Teeth are either removed by pulling or surgical extraction. Teeth can only be “pulled” when they have fully emerged from the gumline. In this case, we will start by numbing the area around your teeth with a local anesthetic and using a clasping tool to shift around the tooth until it breaks away from the gums. If pulling the tooth isn’t possible, the tooth will need to be surgically extracted. For this procedure, a small incision is made to the gum tissue to allow us the ability to reach enough of your tooth to fully remove it.


When we examine your smile, we will determine which extraction method is ideal to meet your needs. When we discuss your extraction, we can also talk about potential tooth replacement options to prevent future oral health issues as a result of missing teeth.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman resting after tooth extraction in Weatherford

Before you leave our office, we will provide you with specific aftercare instructions to help you stay comfortable and avoid complications. Every case is different, but here are some steps that we typically recommend for a quick, comfortable recovery:

  • Rinse with saltwater 24 hours after your procedure.
  • Avoid using tobacco products until your mouth has healed.
  • Keep your head elevated while you sleep.
  • Get plenty of rest to promote healing.
  • Take recommended over-the-counter and prescribed medication as directed.
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Stay away from hard, crunchy, and sticky foods.

Understanding the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

tooth next to a bowl of coins

While we make every effort to ensure that your wisdom tooth extraction will be as painless as possible, we also know that preparing for the procedure can be a little bit stressful. The last thing we want to do is to have the financial component of your dental care add to that, which is why we endeavor to make payment as easy and transparent as possible.

We’ll give you a complete estimate for what your care is going to cost when we meet you in person, but here’s what you should know before that.

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

dental x-ray with a pile of cash on it

As you can imagine, the precise cost of your tooth extraction is likely to depend on any of a few factors. The first, of course, is how many wisdom teeth you’re going to need to have extracted—not everyone is born with all four of them. Some wisdom teeth are also harder to deal with than others. You might have a soft tissue impaction, i.e. a wisdom tooth that has only partially emerged from the gums. You could also have a bony impaction, where an oral surgeon will need to remove a wisdom tooth completely lodged within the jawbone. These conditions will add to the complexity of the treatment and may therefore contribute to its cost. Wisdom tooth surgery typically also requires anesthesia and sedation, which will usually incur their own cost based on the variety of sedative you use.

We understand that’s a lot of decisions to make, so we will be sure to talk to you about how each of them could affect the price of your care at your consultation.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

dental insurance form on a table

Dental insurance won’t always cover dental surgery, but wisdom tooth extractions are a notable exception. So long as you’ve met your deductible for the year and have yet to meet your yearly maximum, you’ll usually have some portion of your dental care covered by your insurance company. Of course, we’ll be happy to consult with your insurance company in order to ensure that you’re getting the most of your benefits.

Other Options for Making Wisdom Tooth Extractions Affordable

money being stuffed into a piggy bank

If you do not have insurance, you may be interested in some of the other options we have to make our care more affordable. For one, we have an in-house savings plan—for a flat monthly fee, you can get complementary preventive services along with a 15% discount on other types of care (including wisdom tooth removal).

You might also be interested in financing services from CareCredit or Sunbit, both of which can allow you to split the cost of your care across several months.

If you want to hear more about what you can do to make your dental care affordable, give us a call and we’ll be happy to talk to you.


Tooth Extraction FAQs

woman with toothache looking at dentist

While having a tooth extraction may not be the ideal solution, it's reassuring to know that our team at Beacon Dentistry of Weatherford is fully prepared to address any concerns you may have and ensure you feel at ease before your procedure. Below, you can explore our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get from patients. Should you have any additional questions not covered here, please don't hesitate to let us know, and we'll make every effort to assist you in feeling more comfortable.

Does Getting a Tooth Extracted Hurt?

A tooth extraction typically involves a numbing process, which helps minimize pain during the procedure. While some soreness and discomfort can be expected afterward, diligently following your aftercare instructions is crucial. This not only helps prevent infection, but also reduces swelling and promotes healing. If you experience worsening pain or show signs of infection (i.e., fever), you must contact our team promptly for assistance.

Can I Leave the Space Empty After a Tooth Extraction?

While it might be tempting to leave an empty space after a tooth extraction, it's important to consider the broader impact on your oral health and daily life. Even if the extracted tooth is not visible, it plays a crucial role in chewing properly and clear enunciation. A single missing back tooth can make chewing difficult, potentially leading to nutritional problems and indigestion. Additionally, missing a front tooth can affect your speech, causing a lisp due to altered tongue movements.

To prevent these issues, it’s highly recommended you schedule an appointment with your dentist after the healing process. We can help you explore suitable tooth replacement options that not only restore your smile, but also ensure your overall well-being.

What Can I Do to Speed Up the Healing Time?

For a faster tooth extraction recovery, remember these tips:

  • Prioritize rest, avoid strenuous activity, and elevate your head to reduce swelling
  • Follow the dentist's gauze instructions to promote blood clot formation, and avoid touching the wound
  • Stay away from mouthwash and acidic foods to aid healing
  • Hydrate, skip straws, and minimize excessive spitting to reduce dry socket risk
  • Reduce puffiness with a cold compress on your cheek
  • Take prescribed pain medication, avoiding blood-thinning drugs like aspirin

These steps can speed up your healing and ensure a smoother recovery.

How Should I Prepare for My Tooth Extraction?

Preparing for your tooth extraction is essential for a smooth experience. Here's what to do:

  • Talk to Your Dentist – Discuss any concerns or questions with your dentist, covering what to bring, dietary restrictions, and specific instructions.
  • Follow Guidance – Adhere to your dentist's pre-extraction instructions, whether it's fasting or picking up prescribed medication, to ensure a successful procedure.
  • Plan Transportation – Arrange for a trustworthy adult to drive you home, especially if you'll receive anesthesia, ensuring your safety and peace of mind.

With these steps and open communication, you'll be well-prepared for your tooth extraction, ensuring a comfortable and worry-free experience.